Obligation versus commitment

Obligation versus commitment: To whom are we obligated, and why?

First, define the words if you don’t know what they mean.


Leave a comment that expresses your thoughts about obligation and/or commitment.

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  3. I believe we are obligated to the people we love, and the ones who cares for us. When you love someone you are obligated to help them succeed and we must commit to helping them even if we don’t want to help. Some might say your obligation is to family but you shouldn’t have to stretch yourself far and wide for someone who doesn’t appreciate your help.

  4. An obligation is something you make a committment to, something you are required to do, or when you make a promise to do. I’m obligated to come to school every day unless i have a reason to. I’m obligated to my mother. What she says go. I’m committed to my boyfriend. We are in a relationship and i’ve committed to do my part as a girlfriend.

  5. I guess like Ms.B said i’m obligation to follow my new job rules. If i don’t follow the rules then i would not have a job and make that money. lol

  6. i am obligated to my parents and coach.My parents because they are the ones that take care of me and my coach because she’s the one that is teaching me.

  7. I am obligated to my mom because she takes care of me, been there for me, make sure i have somewhere to sleep and also something too eat.

  8. We are obligated to our parents because they have taken care of us for our lives so we have to listen to them. My mom has been the best parent, therefore I am committed to her because she took care of me.

  9. Obligation is an act of course of action to which a person is morally or legally bound, a duty or commitment. I am obligation to my parents because they work hard everyday and that made me feel I should do the same in school.
    Commitment is the act of committing or the state of being committed.I am commitment to be responsible at school,home,and pretty much everywhere.

  10. I am obligated to my mom because she has been there for me and always supported me in whatever I wanted to do. She has put a roof over my head and has put food in my stomach. She is my motivation to succeed in life.

  11. im obligated to my parents. Im obligated to them because they brought me into this world. They gave me life, a place to live, food, and clothing. So by that in return i feel obligated to follow their rules and be the best of me.

  12. Obligation is like following the rules by force in order to keep something like your job for example, and commitment is something that is basically optional but would hurt someone else’s feelings if you don’t do your commitment.
    For example, I am commited to finish school, that is a commitment I have with my dad. It is something that he told me I have to do, but if I can quit if I want to. He would feel bad, but still I have the power to do it.

  13. Obligation is a bonding promise and commitment is a pledge. I’m obligated to my dance team. Being involved for 4 years gives me any eye for everything that needs to be done. Meaning it’s my duty to get the job done! I’m commited to success to myself. Only promises that matter to me, are the ones i make to myself. I wou]ld rather let somebody else down before I let myself down! At the end of the day, all that matters is that I do what’s right for me.

  14. we are obligated to our parents, or our superior. Our parents brought us into the world and they raised me.
    also our superior, once we are in the military we are obligated to our superior.

  15. In my opinion,obligated means what a person has to do in order to make a living. I am obligated to go my school , my parents , and other responsibilities that i have or will come my way in the futrure.

  16. Obligation is when you do something by force or/& its mandatory & commitiment is when you do something because you want to pursue in it by chose. Im obligated to my mother because she is my guardian, I can’t possibly do everything by myself & she has done everything for me since birth, she deserves nothing but the best from me.

  17. I am obilgated to my parents because they protect me , help me exceed my poteintial , help me flourish and they help me learn from my everyday mistakes.

  18. An obligation is usually imposed upon by someone else, usually a boss or someone of higher authority. There usually isn’t a choice to whether or not the thing gets done. A commitment is when someone willfully chooses to be somewhere or do something, usually for the good of someone else.

  19. An obligation is a duty or responsibility, something you are expected to do for morally or legally binding reasons. A commitment, however, is a dedication. A commitment is something you desire to do or cannot stop.

  20. An obligation is something you have to do while a commitment is something you want to do. I am obligated to go to school and make sure my family is okay. My commitment is the people around me. No matter if friend or foe i give them my all 24/7.

  21. I’m obligation is somethingyou have to do while a commitent is something you want to do . I am obligated to go to school and make sure my family is straight. Im commited to the ones I loved and who loved me

  22. Obligation is to be done for such reasons.

    I am obligated to follow the school rules in order not to get in trouble.

    I am committed my boyfriend because I made him go through hell and didn’t leave like the others did.

  23. i’m commented to these schools rules that i have to follow everyday. I’m Obligated to follow these school rules so that i don’t get in trouble.

  24. Im committed to football, im committed to football because its a way of life. Its an epic thrill. I love it with all my heart. Even though its not my whole life its a very important part of it. Im getting excited just by sitting here & typing about it!

  25. I am obligated to following the state rules . I am commited to the man above because there is no one that can compare to him (JESUS). I am also commited into giving the needy a hand and helping them out the best way I can.

  26. I am Obligated to our football team an my coaches. I do not actually have to play football but the rest of my life depends on how well i play from here on out. Im committed to my family an everyone in it.

  27. Obligation means to have duties to do something. Such as a promise or being commited to doing something all the time or everyday. Commitment is basically the same as obligation. It is when you are commited to your duties or to someone.

  28. When People are obligated to do something, I Feel as if people lose the drive, motivation and real purpose to go through with the task. When approaching an obligation differently, to the person performing the task, it becomes Commitment.

  29. To whom am i obligated, and why? I feel that i am not obligated to anyone but myself and god. To a certain extent i feel that i am obligated to my mother. I feel that i do not have to do anything i dont want to do therefor i am not obligated to much.

  30. A commitment is something someone has dedicated themselves too, while an obligation is something that someone is forced to do whether they like it or not.

  31. Obligation means a person is morally or legally bound to do something. Commitment means the act of being dedicated. We are obligated to follow the rules that the school implants in us. We are obligated to do so because we are basically forced or we will be punished for our actions. But we are commited to follow the rules that our parents give us to live in the household through respect.

  32. A commitment is something someone has dedicated themselves to while an obligation is something you are forced to do and do not have a choice to be committed to this or not.

  33. i am obligated to to listen to what my parents say, but at the same time i am committed to my own thoughts and options. even though i feel as though i have the right to say what i want but to my parents to have to respect their mind because they are like live giver and provide the life that i live. i have to listen to what they say but at the same time i still say what i wanna.

  34. Obligation is something you have to do.
    Commitment is being committed to something or someone, and they have to do something for them. I think if you have an obligation then you must do it, and if you are in a commitment then you have to do that also. It’s really up to what you really want to do more.

  35. I am obligated and commited to school. I am obligated to do my homework, classwork and participate in class. I am commited to my work, meaning my school work comes first. I am also commited to my family and their well-being. I am obligated to make sure that my brother and cousin have the best childhood.

  36. Obligation is something that must be done. I are obligated to school because I have to go everyday. I am committed to my boyfriend because I choose be with him.

  37. Obligation is something that must be done. I am obligated to go to school because I have to go everyday. I am committed to my boyfriend because I choose to be with him.

  38. We are obligated to the people who we deem we should be obligated to. We are only obligated to these people because we think we should be. If you look at it in this point of view you would technically be able to choose whether or not you want to be obligated to others.

  39. I think I am obligated to do whatever my parents may tell me to, considering they are obligated to keep their roof over my head, I should do something for them in return. I’m obligated to show up to school because it is against the law, and my father would have my head on a stick if I didn’t.

  40. We are obligated to West Jefferson rules and wear uniforms and i.d everyday. We are forced to wear the uniforms and identification card and we can’t do nothing about it. If we don’t wear it, then we can’t enter school and get our education.

    I made a commitment to get straight A’s this year and not get anything lower than a B. If i can help it. If I get straight A’s throughout the whole year, then I will get a brand new car for the summer.

  41. ob·li·ga·tion/ˌäbliˈgāSHən/
    obligation: Noun:
    1.An act or course of action to which a person is morally or legally bound; a duty or commitment.
    2.The condition of being morally or legally bound to do something. com·mit·ment/kəˈmitmənt/
    Commited Noun:
    1.The act of committing or the state of being committed.
    2.Dedication; application.
    I am commited to the things that mean the most to me like my religion, my family, who i love, who i hate, my significant other, my personal beliefs on things, and my moral and wthic beliefs. I am obligated to the things that are my responcibility like my Color guard team, my job, my school work, rules of society, and rules in my home. The things i am commited to are more important than my obligations at times, but my obligations make my schedule. It is a balance between the two for me.

  42. I am committed to and thankful for the will of God and His purposes in my life as an individual.I am committed to and thankful for the will of God and His purposes in my life as a member of my family. I am committed to and thankful for the will of God and His purposes in my life as a member of my local church.I am committed to and thankful for the will of God and His purposes in my life as a member of the Body of Christ – The Church. I am committed to and thankful for the will of God and His purposes in my life as a member and partaker of the Kingdom of God.

  43. I am committed to the Lord and obligated to follow his word. I want to keep my commitment fresh and alive. I just think about all he has done for me and that’s what motivates me.

  44. I am obligated to my mother. I have to clean up. I dont like to clean, but respecting my mother would be to do it. I am commited to respecting my mother.

  45. I am commited to my mother because i have to help her out inside the house and clean because she raised me
    I am obligated to my job wich means i dont have to go or do eney thing its my decision

  46. i am commited to my mother because she rasied me so i help her out by cleaning and helping maintain the house
    i am obligated to my job because if i dont go then i will get fired and not get paid

  47. To be obligated to do something is to be required to do something by law or other written agreements and there is a consequence if you don’t do so. To be committed to something is to choose to be loyal to something or someone, but without any written or legal agreements. We are obligated to our bosses because their is an agreement that you will show up on time, in uniform, etc. If you don’t show up for work you can be fired and won’t be paid for that day. You are committed to your parents, because while there is no actual agreement, being loyal to them is the right thing to do because they help you with so much.

  48. I am obligated to success/justice and nothing less because with out it I feel that I as a person won’t prosper in myself.
    I am committed to God and my family because without them I am nothing and I wouldn’t be here today.

  49. My Obligation is to come to school everyday with proper uniform. I am committed to do what my parents say, because I respect them and Im thankful for what they had done for me.

  50. I am obligated to wear snew shoes . I just have to wear new shoes everyday. I ask my moma to buy me some shoes. I am commited to my moma cause i love her and it also with respect

  51. obligation means something you must do or something someone makes you do.Commitment means something you do willingly without having to be told or made.

  52. I am committed to school and my future, and is obligated to do what I have to do. I want to achieve my goals. So I can get far in life and be the best I can be.

  53. The people the you are obligated to are the people outside your close family. They are the people you have the less respect for. When you are commitment to someone that means you have to do it cause its like a commitment when you get married

  54. i am obligated to do what parents tell me what to do.. i am commited to be respectful, always be readyfor everything, and be commited to family and other people.

  55. I am obligated to respect my parents, love my family unconditionally, and respect myself like a young lady, too. So im obligated to do all those things , because thats how my parents raise me.

  56. An obligation is a responsibility, something you are expected to do. I feel that i’m obligated to my parents to be a good person because that’s how they raised me. I feel i’m obligated to be a good friend to those that have been good friends to me.

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