on “Are women “naturally” more evil than men?
27 Comments on “Are women “naturally” more evil than men?
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  2. To be honest, I actually think women are naturally more evil than men. Yeah, they lie and cheat. I think we way worst. We can manipulate in many different ways. Make them do many different things we want them to do. We know things they dont know and use that to our advantage. Like for example, we know the systems for everything businnes wise, all they do is work so of course we have advantages on them.

  3. Women are more evil for one simple reason – You cannot trust a single word that they say. Things women say have nothing to do with anything outside of their own self-interest. To women, reality = their social/financial standing. A woman will screw you over so badly in order to help herself. Women don’t really care about your personal well-being so much as what you can do for them. This is why they don’t contribute much to civilization. They might sleep with someone who does, which they equate, but if someone else comes along who makes a little more money, drives a nicer car, whatever, she will without hesitation start screwing the other guy in secret.

  4. Actually, Men are more evil. However it may seem like women are evil but it’s usually just us. for example, if a girl cheats on you. She’s not evil, you just weren’t as good as they other guy , stuff like that that we guys don’t want to believe.

    • First off, let me just say that most people are answering these questions based on random individual choice. Those choices are based on decisions influenced from our upbringing (culture, education, parenting, etc.). This can differ from country to country and family to family, no definite answer.

      We have to look at the science, not random case studies from personal experience. Men run testosterone heavy, which makes us vulnerable to temperament and impulse in the heat of a moment.

      Women on the other hand, are more emotional and can manipulate circumstances to benefit their self interests with no regard to anything or anyone.

      Both are capable. My personal opinion: Men have a history of being more evil, far more evil, but women have taken the lead over the last few years thanks to extreme feminism as opposed to equal rights for all.

      Hillary Clinton might be the most popular evil woman I can think of. Selling US secrets for money, giving countries the ability to harness nuclear power, lying to the country she supposed to serve. Murder conspiracy (Benghazi). Manipulating network news in which she owns stock in. She’s a damn fine example of what women are capable of. With that said, some men have no issue with shooting up a public business.

  5. I certainly think women are better at being more evil in some ways that men are not.
    They make very good liars and gossipers and as a victim of an evil woman myself, it almost destroyed my reputation and character, and surprisingly I was pretty much a stranger to the woman concerned.
    I don’t know how women are with men generally but they can certainly be very vicious with each other.
    I think they are sadistic in some ways men are not. The Victorians had this view of women as being the more sadistic sex, and I happen to share that view.
    I tend to avoid women nowadays so I can hopefully stay away from the bile that comes out of their mouths.
    It is not hatred on my part – it is simply damage limitation.

  6. Women are not evil They are emotional you have never seen a woman like Hitler Or one that would kill so many people..yes there are some who kill,lie,and cheat but most crimes are made by men such as murder,lie,cheating and much more. We live in a world ran by men and religion. Of course women are gonna be put down and blamed for mistakes because we still are not equal Its a shame.

    • The queens of England have been super evil killing off many subject’s who just wanted freedom.

      Any nation who identifys as a part of great briton is in chains to this day

      Men kept women back from the spotlight and power but things have changed. men could easily kill all wemen but where would that leave us.. best take their voting rights back

    • That’s because women can’t do that, they aren’t in a position of power to do so. It’s in their nature to be selfish they’re weaker weak people usually are selfish

  7. In the Garden who took the apple from the tree? This is why women will and have always been seen as the first to do wrong. The creation explanation has made a permanent and everlasting view of what women are capable of. I do believe they were made to balance a man. Therefore, they are going to be good and evil in ways that men are not. Women do the evil things men don’t think of.
    I don’t doubt who first suggested the sacrificing of the children. It never even crossed God’s mind people would be capable of doing something like that.

  8. Women are more selfish generally. I think that is the closest thing to evil, in terms of correlation. There are far more men who are self-sufficient than woman, so it creates an imbalance in relation to most their needs being met. Woman must to some degree exploit others to get their needs met, overall. Far less men are in this position and so do not have as strong impulse to exploit. Woman just exploit in the way animals exploit plants or resources. Not really anything to get upset over. It’s just nature.

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