English IV – Monday 4/29th

Create Twiction *(Twitter Fiction) for Romeo and Juliet. Re-write portions of the play using a 20 tweet conversation. Your goal is to change events of the play so that it does not end in a double suicide. First you are going to create some Shakespearean Insults. You need to create 5 insult phrases.

Next,  think about what characters you are going to use and what they need to say to one another to change the outcome of the play. Create a Twitter ID for your characters. (You will need to briefly defend your choice of name.)

Then, Create a 20 tweet exchange with other characters. No limit on the number of characters involved in your exchange. It’s up to you.

In pairs, spend 5 minutes planning your R and J twiction involving at least two characters. Try to use a variety of techniques in your writing, including direct messages, mentions and hashtags to convey each character’s thoughts and feelings about particular situations or other characters.  Share your work with your shoulder/face partner to be sure that you are on the right track.
This assignment should take no longer than 40 minutes. Be prepared to share your work.
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