Monday, Eng4 stuff

We are taking notes on the 5 acts of Macbeth.  Wednesday you will be getting into your groups and working on your assigned acts.

Period 3

Period 5

Macbeth by William Shakespeare

  • Students will read a plot summary of the entire play
  • Today we will read Act I scenes i-iv
  • Each student will then be assigned to a group to read and study ONE ACT from the play
  • Each group will be responsible for sharing with the class the following activities:
  1. Read a summary of the entire Act
  2. A chosen scene that has been re-written into a modern version
  3. A scene to be performed for the class
  4. Two important quotes and explain what they mean and why they’re important
  5. A soliloquy or an aside, explain its significant
  6. A theme from our Tone and Theme handout and discuss / write how that theme is developed in Macbeth
  7. A modern day comparison, either to the theme or a character. Explain the similarities
  8. A Facebook page and wall for a character from your assigned Act

You will be given class time to work with your group. Periodically, you will be given the opportunity to evaluate the input or cooperation of each member of their group. Each group is responsible for #s 1-7 and each individual is responsible for # 8 (your choice of character is up to you).

Presentations will begin the week of November 12th. The order of presentations will follow the chronology of the play, Act 1 will go first.

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