January 17th

We are creating PaperSlide movies that summarize the characteristics of the Unit.

English III – Native American Period (pre-1620)

English IV – Anglo-Saxon Period Years: 449-1066

For each video you should include:

  1. General dates (For example, the Old English, or Anglo-Saxon Period took place from 449-1066)
  2. Key Historical Events (2 dates)/Historical Context (At least one sentence) (For example, for the Renaissance historical context is a rebirth of arts and literature. A key date is 1611 when the King James Bible was printed).
  3. Summary of that periods style and genre (For example, during the Victorian period the novel became popular. The style of writing was varied but most texts reflected the conservative social values and norms of the time. )
  4. Major Authors and their works (For example, for Romanticism, a key author would be John Keats and his key works would be “To a Skylark” and “Prometheus Unbound.”)
  5. Picture symbolizing the characteristics of that period (For example, for the Middle English period you could put a picture of a knight to symbolize the romance and hero stories).

Do’s and Don’t’s:

  • DO be creative! Consider including other appropriate art work or pictures.
  • DO focus and do Good Work
  • DO paraphrase and write in your own words.


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